Thursday, March 17, 2016

Passage of time

Clearly it has been awhile since I have updated this.  I have another girl, who was born in April 2010.  She is very different from my older daughter.  She seems to be borderline with some behaviour issues - I'm not sure if it's anything that is worth putting a label on.  There has been some stress over the behaviour issues, and she's been referred to RTLB, but it's still early days.  She's had a good week at school, so I am slightly less stressed about it, but there have been a lot of tears.  And a lot of self-recrimination.

My older daughter is doing very well.  The label of autism does not seem to have done her undue harm yet, though I worry about what will happen in a couple of years when she starts intermediate.  She seems to be a bit less able to cope with deviations in routine than she used to be - anxiety seems to be something we're going to need to help her manage, as it's come up when her dad was away overseas for two weeks.

I have been studying for the last three years, working on a BSC-PSYC part time.  Between working school-friendly hours, parenting and study, I have been very busy.  I do my best as a parent, but I know I am by no means perfect.  I have had some health issues over the last year (spent four months on prophylactic beta-blockers last year), which have been significant enough to be scary.  It's had some ... knock on effects that I might get into later.  Let's just say that it significantly coloured 2015 for me.

If anyone is reading this, it must seem very disjointed with the huge gaps.  However I think it is time that I pick this up and run with it.  I will try to keep things anonymous, so potential harm to others is minimised ... but then I'm not exactly advertising the presence of this blog, and there is so much white noise and far more interesting things to read on the Internet that I suspect this will never get found.  The beauty about posting in blogs on the Internet is that you can convince yourself that someone might one day read what you've written and care, while still remaining safe and anonymous.

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